2007年9月27日 星期四


1. Read and then comment on the following papers.Yao-Jen Chang, Shih-Kai Tsai, Tsen-Yung Wang Wayfinding Systems Based on Passive RFID for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
RFID have been implementing in many fields today. In my company, we use it to audit and manage the inspection of power facilities. It is easy to deploy because of low cost and short time frame. The test results show the implementation is user friendly and promising with high reliability. The navigation server can records the positions, time, and user ID for the tracking purpose by using RFID. The wayfinding Systems based on passive RFID will be multi-functional and interactive.

Yao-Jen Chang, Tseng-Yun Wang, Yu-Chia Chuang, Shih-Kai Tsai, “Ontology-based Personalized Wayfinding System Using Deviation Detecting for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments
Ontology-based route personalization is proposed to adapt routes with respect to context and changing environment. A tracking function is integrated with a time constrained breadth-first search at the core of deviation detecting algorithm. The tracking system increases the sense of security and also lowers the entry threshold to accepting the assistive technology. It makes the wayfinding system can be suitable to the need of different people. The new traffic sign system will afford various routes to adopt route personalization.

2. Read Sec. 1-3-6 of Textbook.What is the disadvantage of Mobile IP and what's the solution?
The disadvantage of Mobile IP is changeable IP. It means the position changing.
The proposed architecture uses mash-up of web services instead of the middleware platform such as CORBA or RMI. Therefore much fewer APIs are actually needed. This approach makes the architecture more modular and easier to leverage existing web services such as Google Maps. There is a location module at the client devices. The module handles the end-system device hardware and returns the requested user-location data to the application, regardless of the type of technology or method of implementation that actually calculates the user’s location. For example, Wi-Fi or GPS are commonly used to estimate the current location of the user. GPS requires a clear view of sky to function properly. Therefore, for the need of social services that take place indoors, Wi-Fi location technology is selected instead of GPS. An indoor positioning system using wireless LANs has been proposed and implemented.

3. According to lecture notes on Page 2, what is social network? Why is the positioning a major factor in mobile social network service?
Social network are personal or professional sets of relationships between individuals.
This is because people are great sources of unique information, especially that which is location-specific, community-specific and time-specific. Often used as a measure of social “connectedness”,recognizing social networks assists in determining how information moves throughout groups, and how trust can be established and fostered. In the connected age, what happens and how it happens
depend on the network.” Mobile communication technology enables ubiquitous access which has the potential to create scenarios of increased human nteractions in forms of computer mediated communication.
